
Tower of trample walkthrough
Tower of trample walkthrough

tower of trample walkthrough

Given Lady Butterfly’s knack for hopping around in the air, you can cancel her flight with well-timed shuriken attacks that deal damage and posture, and if she isn’t able to block them (especially when jumping or preparing a perilous attack) she’ll immediately crash to the ground and become vulnerable. Also beware of a running perilous sweep attack - but it can be jumped over. When in close range, she’ll alternate between knife strikes and multiple kicks that can end with a powerful downward axe kick that can deal lots of posture damage (she can also do this from the air). She’ll also make use of invisible wires as platforms to jump between, often before throwing Kunai, or jumping down to attack - including a perilous leg grab strike from above that will deal major damage. If she charges up, she’ll unload several bursts while dashing back and forth around the room before getting extremely close for a melee attack. She can shoot a salvo of kunai at you from a distance in many different ways. In battle, Lady Butterfly is a slippery opponent. Because of this, you’re going to want to prioritize lowering her health until you see her posture bar turn red - allowing you to deal posture damage that won’t regenerate.

tower of trample walkthrough

Lady Butterfly appears to have but one health bar, but an immense rate of posture recovery.

Tower of trample walkthrough