If you use an application with Pulseaudio support but with no way of selecting the sound card, you can set it to output sound through the Virtual_Sink in the Sound Settings. To test this, open and application that outputs sound and select Virtual_Sink. If you open Sound Settings, a new output device should have appeared, named Virtual_Sink. You should see no error after running this command. Pacmd load-module module-null-sink sink_name=Virtual_Sink sink_properties=scription=Virtual_Sink Only go through with this setup if you’re confident navigating your system’s audio settings.It's very simple to configure. Your system settings can get muddled up, and it becomes confusing. Top tip: Using this method will alter your system’s default audio settings. You will now be receiving all of the selected OBS audio in Zoom.

If you’re using OBS Studio as a Virtual Camera it’s better to apply these filters in OBS rather than Zoom.

This is handy if you have text in your image and need to flip it to be readable.

Mirror my video – Checking this box will transform your OBS feed in Zoom by flipping it horizontally.We recommend keeping this on original ratio. HD will attempt to upscale the resolution to be as high definition as possible. Choosing original ratio will keep the feed at the original quality. Original ratio and HD – This will change the quality of the OBS feed that Zoom is receiving.OBS Studio manages the majority of your video picture settings, but there are a few additional settings in Zoom that you can play with to achieve better results: